The InclusiveEC Awards Gala was held on Friday, November 15, 2024. Our thanks to all those who made it possible. Thank you Giuseppe Pellegrini and Gabriele Quinti for joining us from ACCTING on this special day and for your words of encouragement to continue promoting inclusive community energy. Thanks to Marta Costa, who shared all the details about the inspiring EPIU Getafe Project to build healthy homes and fight energy poverty. Thanks to the Jury for their involvement: Rosario Alcantarilla, Rosa Fraga, Cristina Alonso, Soledad Montero, and Alfonso García; all experts in the fields of energy, sustainability, social and solidarity economy, and social justice. Thanks to Lasgaya, especially Vanessa Álvarez, without whose dedication and passion this project would not have been possible.
Thanks to TRIPLE Ferraz space, associated with La Corriente, for hosting us.
🥇 1st Prize CE Arroyo Alumbra
Arroyomolinos de León, Huelva
A cooperative focused on fighting rural depopulation. It offers ongoing training to its members and in educational centers, generating synergies with the AMPA and the adult education school. It integrates a gender perspective in all its processes without falling into paternalism.
The €2,500 prize will be used to acquire necessary materials for the energy efficiency courses taught at the adult school and the CEIP; as well as to hire external specialists for the ongoing training of CE members.
🥈 2nd Prize CE Catarroja
Catarroja, Valencia
A cooperative with deep roots in the social fabric. It stands out for its extensive network work, which offers them greater possibilities for growth and sustainability over time.
The €1000 will be used to integrate vulnerable people into the CE and give them access to part of the shared photovoltaic installation.
🥈 2nd Prize CE La Tonenca
Tona, Barcelona
A cooperative with strong synergies with other entities, including the direct involvement of social services. It trains its members in topics related to inclusivity, such as inclusive communication and gender perspective, or the legal and social context of energy poverty.
The €1000 prize will be used for the operational costs of the photovoltaic plant, such as insurance or maintenance; and to cover part of the training of the social base.
🥉 3rd Prize CE Eco Almócita
Almócita, Almería
A cooperative with the participation of the City Council. They define their principles as sustainability, resilience, and rural empowerment. They promote an equal distribution, avoiding paternalism or discrimination among their participants.
The €500 prize will be used to cover part of the costs of a software for managing the production and consumption of the members.
🥉 3rd Prize CE Joyarancón
Santa Ana la Real, Huelva
A cooperative focused on fighting rural depopulation. It has the direct involvement of the City Council. Despite having a higher participation of men, the positions are egalitarian.
The €500 prize will be used for an energy efficiency improvement program for elderly women, including entry into the CE, home intervention, advice on habits and bills, and the creation of an economic fund.
🥉 3rd Prize CE La Bordeta
La Bordeta neighborhood, Barcelona
A cooperative that includes both individuals and entities from the social and solidarity economy, with a strong gender and intersectional perspective studied and applied. They work on raising awareness of energy efficiency among their participants.
The €500 prize will be used to create a financing fund that combines donations, solidarity contributions, and grants for access to the CE.
⚡ Congratulations to all the participating Energy Communities for your work and projects, for putting people at the center and driving real change in your environment. You are an inspiration!
You can watch the recording of the Gala here. Hit play! 👇 InclusiveEC Awards Gala